Natural Dyes

Preparing Your Model

All the kits are provided on a frame (known as a sprue) with each component being attached to the sprue by one or more very small connectors – called sprue points.

While it is very tempting to push the bits of your model out of their frame with your finger, this can lead to them being damaged. It is much better to place the model onto a cutting mat and gently cut through these sprue points with a modelling knife or scalpel (taking all the usual precautions for working with sharp objects).

Once the component has been removed from the sprue, carefully use your blade to trim any excess material left from where it was attached.

What Glue Should I Use ?

The best glue to use for MDF models is either Wood Glue or PVA as these give a strong bond – the down side is they take a long time to dry.

We tend to use a simple all-purpose adhesive such as UHU as it is quick drying and gives a reasonably strong bond – allowing for rapid construction.

Do not use Super Glue under any circumstances. It will be absorbed by the MDF and give a very brittle bond.

We recommend dry-fitting each piece of the model before you attempt to glue it into place (putting the piece into position without any glue) – that way you can do any minor tweaks, sanding, etc that are required without having to contend with sticky fingers.

Apply the glue to one side of the joint, being careful not to use too much and then put the piece into position before wiping away any excess glue. We frequently use an off-cut of the sprue to wipe away excess glue as it has a flat edge and can easily get into odd angles and corners.

Assembly Instructions

The assembly instructions for each of our products can be found on that products listing within the shop.

They are provided as PDF files and give you a step-by-step guide on how to assemble your model using both text and pictures.

To locate your product, please enter the product code on its header sheet into the search box at the top of the screen. (e.g. code B28-MD-001 is our 28mm Medieval Dwelling)

If the assembly instructions for your product are not on the product page, please send us an email via the Contact Us page and we will send them over to you (and update the website)

Additional instruction sheets

Click the link to the left for details on how to use Teddy Bear fur to create a thatched roof.

Paper sails for our 28mm boats.

Painting Your Model

We are often asked the best way to paint the models.

The instructions frequently let you know the best time to paint things – either before, during or after construction.

Sealing your model with watered down PVA (or equivalent) isn’t needed – but be aware that MDF will drink up paint (and water) like a sponge.

To undercoat our models we use aerosol undercoats (such as Halfords car undercoat sprays) selecting white, black, grey or red depending on the model in question. Matt or Satin finishes are best.

Keep the spray can roughly 30cm from your model to prevent details becoming obscured or clogged by the paint – and use multiple light passes rather than a heavy concentrated burst.

If in doubt – experiment first. All our kits include some text etched into their sprues. Place the sprue at the desired distance and spray – checking to see you haven’t clogged up the lettering.

For the rest of the model, we use standard DIY household emulsion paint (latex paint for our US friends) or garden wood stain for any large surface areas, and a mix of DIY or model paints for detail work.

The benefit of this is you can visit your local hardware store and purchase inexpensive tester-pots of your colours – selecting a base colour (the darkest tone), a mid-colour (the “normal” tone) and a highlight which all complement each other.

When painting with these, treat them as you would your normal model paints, so you can fully cover an area, or drybrush it as required.

For example, to get a stonework effect, undercoat the model with a black spray paint.

Allow it to dry then apply a heavy dry brush of a dark blueish grey colour ensuring you try not get too much paint into the gaps between the stones. Let that dry and apply a lighter dry brush of a medium/paler grey colour, followed by a very light dry brush of a very pale grey/white to dust the surface.